Critical Success Factor for Sustainable Marketing in Thai Silk industry

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Somkhit Thongchuai
Ajchara Kessuvan
Ravipim Chaveesuk


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the critical success factors for the sustainable Thai silk industry, and 2) To propose the guideline for sustainable marketing in the Thai silk industry.  The qualitative research using in-depth interviews was conducted with 16 key informants.                         They were executives, professors, academics, and experts who get involved in the Thai silk industry and also Thai silk farmers and entrepreneurs. The data were analyzed by content analysis.  The result revealed that the most critical success factors for sustainable marketing in the Thai silk industry were identity factor, namely wisdom identity which obtained from the knowledge of Thai silk and Thai silk market, followed by research and development, quality and standard, policy, management factors, and innovation factors, respectively. The results indicated that if the farmers or entrepreneurs in the Thai silk industry aimed to achieve marketing success, it was essential to apply the knowledge, identity, and wisdom culture, together with research and development for both product and marketing design. In addition, the product quality and standard needed to be developed from the technology and innovation which appropriated for the area or business model of each industry. Management is planned at all stages systematically. When the farmers or entrepreneur has implemented sustainable marketing, this will impact the survival and the permanent existence of the organization.  This will reduce the relocation of farmers and create a strong and sustainable community. Moreover, the government organization can also implement the approach to plan to support farmers, entrepreneurs for sustainable marketing growth.

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