Factors Influencing Intention of Ecotourism The Korat Geo Park Tourist Route Sung Noen District Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

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Phuangpornphat Viriya


The objectives of this article are 1) to study the behaviors of ecotourists and 2) to study factors influencing the ecotourism intention along the Korat Geopark tourism route. It is a survey research of 494 tourists aged 20 years and over. The subjects were randomly selected by using a haphazard sampling method. A structured questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection. The statistics used for data analysis were mean standard deviation, and analysis of structural equations. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Tourism along the Korat Geopark Tourist Route, had all 8 tourism potentials, with attractions being very important and outstanding, as there were various attractions, both natural and man-made. The subjects have traveled to the destination more than one time because of the uniqueness of ecotourism, and 2) factors influencing the intention of eco-tourism along the Korat Geopark tourism route was Image of tourist attractions (Path Coefficient = 0.64) and satisfaction (Path Coefficient = 0.38) had an indirect influence on tourist behavioral intentions. and tourist attraction image (Path Coefficient = 0.54). All the variables had the proportion of variance explained by the elements (R2), the image of the attraction, and the satisfaction that affected the intention of the tourism behavior at 65% with a statistically significant level of 0.01.

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