Enhancement of Anger Control of Adolescent Students Through Group Counseling

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Kanokwan Ruasichan
Monthira Charupheng
Patcharaporn Srisawat


The objectives of this research were as follows to 1) to study the anger control of adolescent students, and 2) to compare the anger control of adolescent students before and after participation in group counseling. The research was divided into two phases. The first phase was to study anger control. The samples consisted of 333 adolescent students selected by simple random sampling. The second phase was the enhancement of anger control, eight adolescents selected by adolescent students with anger control scores ranging from in the 25th percentile and below volunteered to participate and used simple random sampling. The research instruments included the following: 1) an anger control test with a reliability of .76; and 2) group counseling to strengthen the anger control of adolescent students. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean standard deviation and Paired Sample T-Test statistic dependent t-test. The results of this research were as follows: 1)  Overall the anger control of adolescent students as a whole was at a good level and thinking about the causes of anger and their responses to anger were at a very good level as for the emotional self-control and anger suppression were at a good level, and 2) After joining a group counseling for anger control adolescent students had different the anger control average scores before joining a group counseling and after participating in group counseling and at a statistically significant level of .05. This result indicated that group counseling increased the anger control of adolescent students.

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