Enhancing the congruence of the career interests and career needs of high school students through guidance activities

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Warunee Muengchang
Skol Voracharoensri
Kanchit Saenubol


The purposes of this research are as follows: (1) to study the congruence of career interests and career needs of high school students; and (2) to compare the congruence of career interests and career needs of high school students before and after using guidance activities. The research was divided into two phases. The first phase was to study the congruence of career interests and career needs of students. The samples were 286 students selected by simple random sampling. The second phase was to enhance the congruence of career interests and career needs and 12 samples were selected by purposive sampling methods. These samples were also considered by the results from Phase 1, in which they were incongruent in terms of their career interests, career needs, and with their voluntary and random assignment to participate in this experiment. The instruments used in this research included: (1) Comprehensive screening form of the congruence between career interests and career needs Inventory with a reliability of .96; (2) The S.D.S. (Self-Directed Search) survey; and (3) Guidance activities for enhancing career interests and career needs. The statistics used to analyze the data consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation of the scores, and a t-test dependent on the sample. The research results were as follows: (1) High school students had 91.6 percent congruence of career interests and career needs, while 8.4 percent of students had incongruence of career interest and career needs.; and (2) after the experiment, the students had higher congruence of career interests and career needs at a statistically significant level of .01

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