The Development of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Model for Developing the Special Economic Zone in Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo

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ดรุณศักดิ์ ตติยะลาภะ
Pisak Kalyanamitra


The research study, entitled: The Development of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Model for Developing the Special Economic Zone in Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo, was qualitative research. The objectives were to 1) investigate the situations of logistics and supply chain systems in the Special Economic Zone of Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo, 2) develop the model for logistics and supply chain management in the Special Economic Zone of Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo. The research sample included 30 officers related to administrative work; including 5 officers in the position of governors, provincial government officers, and relevant officers from the local government organizations, 5 academicians, 10 community members per 1 Tambon (3 Tambon being carried out) as well as 30 staff working in the private sector; for examples, suppliers, manufacturers, and customers. The research method comprised documentary analysis, in-depth and group interviews. The research findings were found that 1) the situations of logistics and supply chain system in the Special Economic Zone of Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo showed key agenda in terms of; the higher trade value of Thai-Cambodian border. In addition, business issue related to the potential of investment and logistics in the Special Economic Zone of Sa Kaeo was higher. The potential supported the trade between Sa Kaeo and Cambodia. Moreover, there was the development of infrastructure for logistics system parallel to the development of Sa Kaeo Special Economic Zone. 2) The models for logistics and supply chain management in the Special Economic Zone of Aranyaprathet, Sa Kaeo were analyzed and discovered for 5 components, as follows, infrastructure development, trading facility development, human resources, and working process development, information technology development, and network expansion.

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