Legal Measures for the Management of the Waste Remains of Products, Devices and Medical Equipment after the End of Uses of Hospitals in Thailand

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Pornpunthu Nuanpreda


The remains of products, tools, and medical equipment after the end of the use of the hospital are infectious waste contaminated with pathogens and chemicals. The variations are largely due to medical treatments and medical services spanning from syringes to irradiators of metals, plastics, or tissues. Structural characteristics are different from other types of waste, which are dangerous to the public health of the people and the environment.

From the economic policy that the government wants Thailand to be the center of medical care and providing medical services in Asia (Asia Medical Hub) to generate income for the country. The social structure of the country has changed; the aging population is increasing more and more, as well as increasing the number of medical care and medical services in the same direction. As a result, the amount of waste products, equipment, and medical equipment after the end of the use of the hospital, which is infection waste, has increased rapidly in the same direction. Legal measures are needed to manage and resolve problems properly and appropriately. This research aims to propose legal measures to manage the remains of medical equipment after the end of hospital use.

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