The Relationship Between Organizational Resources and Warehousing Management in Modern Retail Business
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The research studied the relationship between organizational resources and warehousing management in the modern retail business. This study aimed to investigate the factors toward the relationship between organizational resources and warehousing management in the modern retail business. This research was survey research of nonprobability samples of 420 respondents who were employed in the organizations such as managers, assistant managers, and staff members. Data was collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive with inferential statistics and the structural equation model (SEM). The result was showed that the most of personnel were male between 21-25 years old single education senior high school and vocational certificate employing in a company with the experienced 1-5 years. According to the overall organization resources sampling groups were a high level of opinion as a whole (x̄= 4.04). First, the organization has introduced new technologies to be adapted to help the operation be faster and up to date (x̄= 4.16). The organization management was in accordance with the hierarchy of commanding (x̄=4.15). The overall satisfaction of the sampling groups was a high level of opinion as a whole (x̄= 4.13). Firstly, the expectation that the quickly servicing was meet the needs of customers (x̄= 4.25). Customers feel good about the convenience and service from the seller with speed and agility (x̄= 4.24). The overall management of the sampling groups was a high level of opinion as a whole (x̄=4.17). Firstly, the organization had a constant and consistent rate of product turnover (x̄=4.30) The organization was able to manage the total cost reduction from the best use of organizational resources in personnel, capital, materials, equipment, and technology (x̄= 4.19). And the findings were revealed that the factors of organizational resources were significantly directly (Path Coefficient=0.417*; DE=0.417*) that was related to the warehousing management in modern retail business and indirectly via satisfaction (Path Coefficient=0.299*; IE=0.299)
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