Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Mitragyna Speciosa use among People in Bangkok Metropolitan

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Radatorn Anyaphatthaworn
Phiphat Nonthanathorn


The purposes of this research were to study 1) the relationship between personal demography and behavior in using Mitragyna Speciosa 2) the difference in Mitragyna Speciosa knowledge affects attitude toward using Mitragyna Speciosa among people in Bangkok Metropolitan 2) the differential of Mitragyna Speciosa knowledge affect to attitude for using Mitragyna Speciosa among people in Bangkok Metropolitan 3) the relationship between attitude for using Mitragyna Speciosa and Mitragyna Speciosa practice among people in Bangkok metropolitan by collected questionnaires with 466 respondent in Bangkok. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-Square, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple linear regression.

The result of this study used a statistically significant level of 0.05. The research results found that 1) gender and average monthly income had affected the behavior in using Mitragyna Speciosa 2) the Mitragyna Speciosa knowledge had affected medical attitude 3) the differential of Mitragyna Speciosa knowledge had affected the attitude toward consuming Mitragyna Speciosa and Treatment 4) the Mitragyna Speciosa attitude knowledge and medical had affected the Mitragyna Speciosa practicing.

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