Public Service Motivation among the Millennials of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) Public Officials during Covid-19 Pandemic

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Panapa Chintaradeja
Supachai Yavaprabhas


This research article to were objective 1)To explore the type of public service motivation factor which motivates Gen Y BMA official to work in public sector during covid-19 pandemic according to Perry & Wise (1990). 2. To explore the additional type of motivation factors which motivates Gen Y BMA official to work in public sector during covid-19 pandemic. Method use  quantitative approach, this study employed a survey design by distributing questionnaire for collecting data. The distribution of questionnaires has been done manually and also distributing online using Google form. The period of data collection takes six weeks to be completed. Then, a multi-stage random sampling technique is adopted to obtain 381 respondents from BMA Departments which comprised of 1) Head of BMA 144 people 2) District office 68 people 3) School 132 people 4) Hospital 37 people participated in this study. Goal of this study is to look into what motivates Gen Y millennials working in the public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in this study. In quantitative analysis using data from multi-stage samples of millennials working in the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), Thailand, the authors discovered that BMA millennials score high in all four public sector motivating factors (PSM) identified by Perry and Wise (1990). "Compassion" is the most important of the four PSM factors. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis reveals that welfare, job security, societal benefit, honorable career, beloved job, dream job, parental socialization, career path, working time, and retirement plan are the additional factors that motivate BMA millennials, in that order. In the final finding, it reveals interestingly that work-life balance is the motivation factor for BMA officials. It allows BMA officials to structure their working days around their out-of-work life. To demonstrate, half of these young professionals felt they are able to maintain a healthy balance between work and their personal lives

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