The Role of the Village Chief the Headman in Managing the Conflict in Lopburi Province

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Sirichai Petcharak
Waraporn Subruangthong


This article were the objectives of 1) to study the working condition of village headmen. village headman in conflict management in Lop Buri Province, and 2) to study factors affecting the role of village headmen. Village Headman in Conflict Management in Lopburi Province use quantitative research The sample group used in the research consisted of village chiefs. Village Headman in Lopburi Province By using the method of calculating the sample size according to Yamane's method, there were 202 people. The research tools were questionnaires with a confidence value of .80. Data were analyzed and presented by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and section. standard deviation The study found that 1) Role of village chiefs The village headman in conflict management in Lop Buri Province found that the overall level was at a high level. 2) Factors affecting the role of village chiefs Village Headman in Conflict Management in Lopburi Province Force side of avoidance reconciliation cooperation. The overall compromise aspect was at a high level. hypothesis testing The results of the analysis of variables related to the role of village chiefs Village Headman in Conflict Management in Lopburi Province the relationship between gender, education, the relationship between Term of office with the role of chief Village Headman in Conflict Management in Lopburi Province It was found that overall there was no relationship with the role of the headman. Village Headman in Conflict Management in Lopburi Province general recommendation On the compulsory side, when there is a conflict between the parties, the decision to settle the conflict of the local government should be contested by the result or decision of the settlement.

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