Strategic Family Counseling and Positive Psychology

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Wilasinee Fondee
Boonsong Tiampagdee
Chotika Thamviset
Sutin Chiamprakhon


The family institution is a key institution that everyone should be aware of its importance. Because it is the first institution that an individual must encounter before encountering other institutions. If there is conflict or violence in the family institution, members within the family will be affected as well, both physically and mentally. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide information on strategic family counseling. counseling and the application of positive psychology to strategic family counseling. The authors examined the relevant literature. It is presented as an advantage for psychologists who must assist clients with family issues. It can also alter the behavior of each member of the family in a positive way, allowing them to manage and solve problems independently. According to the study's findings that the integration of positive psychology with strategic family counseling techniques was used. This approach supports the counselor's development in a positive manner by prioritizing the utilization of the counselor's abilities throughout therapy, as opposed to primarily addressing past issues. This method facilitates the counselor in adapting their cognitive processes, encouraging optimism, and recognizing their own intrinsic value. Additionally, it engenders a greater sense of positivity and facilitates a wider range of pleasant emotions and experiences. Various strategic family counseling strategies are employed, with a specific emphasis on addressing current issues and concerns. Modify an individual's conduct Another effective approach in family therapy involves altering the cognitive process, whereby strategic family counseling approaches and positive psychology are employed.

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