The Quality of life of The Elderly in Paikang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Banmho, Saraburi Province

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preeyaporn boonpeng
Waraporn Subruangthong
Wasita Kerdphol Prasopsak


This research article aims to 1) study the quality of life of the elderly in the Phai Khwang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Ban Mo District, Saraburi Province. 2) compare the quality of life of the elderly in the Phai Khwang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Ban Mo District, Saraburi Province. Classified by personal data factors The sample group used in the research included 238 elderly people living in the district. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a reliability of .848. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one. way ANOVA, tested in pairs using the L.S.D. method. The results of the study found that: 1) Elderly people in the Phai Khwang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Ban Mo District, Saraburi Province have a high level of quality of life in the following order: environmental aspect, psychological aspect, relationship aspect. Social and physical aspects 2) Results of a comparative study of the quality of life of the elderly in the Phai Khwang Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Ban Mo District, Saraburi Province, classified by gender and number of family members. There is a statistical significant difference at the .05 level classified by age group. and sufficiency of income They are significantly different at the .05 level and are classified according to occupation/employment. Family structure characteristics Member of the Elderly Club and debt burden Not significantly different. Relevant agencies should survey and create a database. Elderly people who are left alone Elderly people who are left alone to care for their children Care plans are made in collaboration with community leaders. and various volunteers in the community to care for and prevent problems that may occur to the elderly, such as problems of abuse and temptation.

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