Strategic management for community enterprise development under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Sorasinth Chaisinson


Research on Strategic management for developing community enterprises under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed to study strategic management factors that affected the development of community enterprises under the SDGs, to study the development of community enterprises classified according to the characteristics of community enterprises, and to develop strategic management approaches for developing community enterprises under SDGs. Data gathering was collected with questionnaires from 383 presidents or representatives of community enterprise founders in Thailand and interviewing of seven presidents or representatives of community enterprise founders who received national outstanding community enterprise awards. The result was found that strategic management factors affect the development of community enterprises under the SDGs in all aspects are at a moderate level. The different types of community enterprises, the number of members, and the duration of operation were not related to the development of community enterprises under the SDGs. The results of the study of strategic management approaches for developing community enterprises under the SDGs include proactive approaches by creating a network of cooperation and labor development corrective approach by encouraging community enterprises to use innovation and technology to help in production and services. Preventive approach by collaborating with the government sector to support continuous learning and development of human resource competencies. and promoting cooperation between community enterprises. Reactive approach by promoting investment in production systems, technology and machinery and encouraging members in community enterprises to learn and develop more skills.


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