The psychological characteristic of the sports achievement of athletes of Thailand National Sports University, Suphanburi campus. In 46thPhysical Education Games, Year 2023. Psychological characteristics, sports achievement

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rachan chaliawsil
Anuchit Thaesungnern
Napakhon Boonseng


The purposes of this research were to study the Psychological Characteristics factors to the sport's achievement in love, earnestness and proud of the playing sport Reward and being famous and Self-controlling for a fully ability of development at the higher level. The research sample were 321 athletes by purposive sampling from Thailand National Sports University, consisting of 220 males and 101 females, aged between 18-22 years, preparing to participate in Year 2023. The measurement tools assessing to the characteristics of sports achievement were the structural validity values at 0.88. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation. Research finding indicated that:The Psychological characteristic of sports achievement showed ranking from the most to the least that 1) in the aspect of love, earnestness, and proud of the playing sport were rated at a high level with 42.43 points, 2) in the aspect of self-controlling for a full ability of development was rated at a high level with 40.68 points, and 3) in the aspect of reward and being famous were rated at a moderate level with 33.53 points. Studying mental characteristics will allow you to know problems and obstacles in your thinking and be able to create guidelines or methods to enhance motivation for athletes to have a thirst for victory and to develop skills that express good and effective abilities that result in results. continue the competition This will help athletes to develop themselves to a higher level of ability in the future

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