A Study of Problems in Teaching - Learning Management of Teachers in the Digital Era. Under Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area, Office 1

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kanyaporn charernporn
Poponsan Photipithak


The purposes of this research article are 1) to study problems in teaching and learning management for teachers in the digital age under the Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1 2) to study and find guidelines for studying problems in organizing teaching and learning for teachers. In the digital age, under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, data is collected by Interviews with 6 experts, questionnaires of 291 school administrators and teachers. The instrument was an interview form. Questionnaires and assessments use statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results of the research found that: 1) The value of necessary needs in the study of problems in organizing teaching and learning for teachers in the digital age. Overall, it was found that the learner side in the digital age had the highest value of necessary needs, followed by the teacher side. digital age Technology and innovation in the digital age and learning in the digital age respectively, and 2) guidelines for studying problems in teaching and learning for teachers in the digital age. Learners in the digital age Learners should develop the ability to seek answers and new knowledge on their own by using various digital methods. and can exchange knowledge gained among friends Teachers in the digital age Teachers should develop themselves to keep up with changes and create learning innovations. and being a person of morality and ethics in technology and innovation in the digital age Executives should allocate budget to develop the information technology system to be efficient. and learning in the digital age Educational personnel should organize learning that emphasizes analytical thinking. and teamwork

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