The Role The Role of Buddhist Dissemination of Buddhist Ecclesiastics in Krabi Province Role , Mission , Ecclesiastics , Krabi

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Phrakhrusathitphanomwan (Aidkaew)
Sophon Khumtrup
Sophon Khumtrup



            The objectives of this thesis are as follows: 1) to study the role of spreading Buddhism of the Ecclesiastics, 2) to study the role of spreading Buddhism of the Ecclesiastics in Krabi Province, and 3) to analyze the Buddhist propagation role of the Buddhist Ecclesiastics in Krabi. The tool is an in-depth interview with 9 key persons, collecting data that has been analyzed for content analysis and drawing conclusions.  

            The results of the research were as follows:           1) The role of the Sangha in propagating Buddhism. It is the ability to manage various responsibilities. To achieve the goal focusing on giving people knowledge, an understanding of that principles. And can be put them into practice in daily life appropriately. The role of the Sangha Administrator is both to be the spiritual leader of the community, An Improving the quality of citizens, public assistance and assistance with government work. Therefore, it was in order to inherit and created stability in Buddhism for society through study, practice, propagation and protection. It was a role to play in propagating the principles of Buddhism for a stable existence in society.                 2) The Role of spreading Buddhism of the Ecclesiastics in Krabi Province. It follows the traditions of the Sangha and Thai traditions from ancient times. It was the role of propagating through 5 Buddhist activities, The including Ordination activities, The summer novice ordination activities, The daily Dhamma demonstration activities, Alms-giving activities on important days, and The Dhamma teaching activities through media. In the present era, the propagation of Buddhism has been carried out in a new form. That was in the form of the activities of missionary missionaries. And there was increased use of modern innovative technology for mission activities. It was a duty to spread the principles of Buddhism and teachings in Buddhism. Make people had more faith and faith. Saw the good traditions of Thai Buddhism. It was to teach the people according to their wishes. And these activities could be found in various temples General in Krabi province.             3) The role of monks propagating Buddhism in Krabi province. It was development according to the principles of morality, concentration, and wisdom. There was a process of intelligently interacting with outside society. And be aware of the mutually supportive relationship with the social environment was fellow human beings Do not harm each other physically, property, spouse, speech, and intellect with kindness and compassion. Be generous and generous to your fellow humans. And must strictly respect the law and social regulations. This role in propagating Buddhism was thus strengthening the Sangha. Make monastic institutions self-reliant. There was stability in propagation. And to promote the development of the knowledge of the Sangha to the monastic institution. To be able to manage missions in a complete manner, including all 5 activities, as well as creating a strong group of monks. And could connect the network of monks with monastic institutions very well

Article Details

Research Articles
Author Biography

Sophon Khumtrup, Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokkaraj Campus

Accepted by the Faculty of Religion and Philosophy, Mahâmâkut Buddhist University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Art Program in Buddhist Studies for Development.


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