The direction of the People's Mediation Center of the Village Committee has the authority to reconcile disputes at the village level

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suriyasak mangkornkaewwikul
Yannakorn Toprayoon


This review article aims to 1) To analyze the current problems of the people's mediation center of the village committee. 2) To present the direction of the People's Conciliation Center of the Village Committee, which has the authority to conciliate disputes at the village level. Use the study of relevant documents and literature. academic article research papers both domestically and internationally by synthesis and analysis descriptive presentation The results of the research revealed that the problems of civil dispute mediation were summarized as follows: 1) problems on the establishment and operation of civil dispute mediation centers; 2) problems on the qualifications of people acting as mediators 3) Problems about the nature of disputes within the jurisdiction of the Civil Mediation Center; and 4) Problems about civil dispute settlement agreements and legal enforcement. 5) Problems of participation or importance to the mediation service of the Civil Dispute Mediation Center. The direction of the Civil Dispute Mediation Center is presented as follows. 1) The dispute resolution guidelines must be updated to be up-to-date. 2) Promote and support the use of civil dispute mediation center services. to reduce the case to court 3) Raise awareness among those involved and 4) Relevant agencies operate proactively in an integrated manner. build morale appropriate compensation.

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