Business Potential Development for Bann Mai Thai Phuan Hand Woven Fabric Community Enterprise in Nakhon Nayok Province

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Orramon Panthong
Suban Buakhao
Rattikorn Jitkraisorn


This research aimed to study the problems of business operation together with analyzing relevant environments and proposing the guidelines of business potential development for Bann Mai Thai Phuan hand woven fabric community enterprise. The research design was mixed-method combining qualitative and quantitative research. The target of qualitative research comprised the community enterprise’s manufacturers and consumers who purchased together with who never purchased the products. The data was collected by in-depth interviews and focus group with 26 informants. Quantitative research was conducted with 208 consumers in order to survey opinions and satisfaction by questionnaires. The finding revealed that the enterprise had encountered production problem due to insufficient production capacity. For financial problem, the members lacked of working capital. The problems in marketing management were that the members lacked of knowledge and skills in marketing including they could not provide a variety of product. The distribution channel was limited and marketing promotion was undertaken very sparely. According to external environment analysis, it was found that the opportunities consisted of supporting government policies, tremendous market demands as well as social and cultural circumstances in the way that Thai Phuan fabric had been accepted to be Nakhon Nayok province’s cultural identity. In case of threats for the enterprise, there were economic recession leading to significant decline of purchasing power including change of social values and culture circumstance that resulted scarcity of young generation to inherit the business. According to competition, other competitors had offered more various products with lower price. The guidelines of business potential development are proposed particularly short-term and long-term strategies related to production and operation including financial and marketing management.

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