Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Employees of The Office of Insurance Commission

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Nicharee Hansawangsin
Pornlapas Suwannarat


From the current situation, this causes every organization to adapt itself in response to the changing environment. One of the most important factors in the work process is human resources. Because human resources can develop themselves at any time; this could help to increase the efficiency of work and eventually obtain the organizational goals of every organization. Ultimately, human resource management is a very important factor in every organization. However, at present, there are still problems with the efficiency and job satisfaction of employees, which prevents the ability to bring out the employees' potential at a full efficient level. The research team is therefore interested in studying various factors that affect employees' job satisfaction since employee satisfaction will allow employees to work efficiently and effectively. The researcher collected data from 300 employees of the Office of the Insurance Commission. The research tool used was a questionnaire and statistics used in data analysis include mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. From the research results, it was found that hygiene factors in the dimensions of employee compensation, job security, operating environment, and commanding of leaders, and motivating factors in the aspects of work success, responsibility, work esteem and recognition, and opportunities for growth and advancement affect job satisfaction of the employees of the Office of the Insurance Commission. Other organizations with similar operating models may apply the results and suggestions from this research to their organizations in order to enable employees to work more efficiently and finally to achieve the organization's goals.

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Research Articles


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