Tourist behavior, Accommodation demands, Tourism destinations and activities influencing motivations for tourism in Pattaya of Thai and foreigner tourists
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The purposes of this research article are to study the differences between demographic characteristics and tourism behavior, accommodation demand, opinions on tourist attractions and tourism activities, and to study opinions on tourism activities in Pattaya that affect motivation to travel to Pattaya. This was a quantitative study with 400 Thai and foreign tourists who had traveled to Pattaya and stayed overnight. The sampling methods were multi - stage sampling. The statistics used to analyze the data were Chi-square, One-way ANOVA, and regression analysis. The results of the study found that 1) Tourists with different demographic characteristics, namely age, occupation, and monthly income, had different tourism behaviors in Pattaya. 2) Tourists with different demographic characteristics, namely monthly income, had different accommodation types, while tourists with different demographic characteristics, namely age and monthly income, had no different accommodation needs in Pattaya. 3) Tourists with different demographic characteristics, namely education level, occupation, and monthly income, had no different opinions on tourist attractions in Pattaya. 4) Tourists with different monthly incomes had different opinions on tourism activities in Pattaya, while tourists with different demographic characteristics, namely gender and age, had no different opinions on tourism activities in Pattaya. and 5) opinions on tourism activities in Pattaya City influence motivation to travel to Pattaya City in terms of sports competition activities and traditional activities with a statistical significance level of 0.05.
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