Factors of Physical Disability People’s Vocational Training in Disabled Occupation Rehabilitation Center of the Bangkok Metropolitan Area
Main Article Content
This research article aims to Study and compare Factors in vocational training for people with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation centers for the disabled Bangkok and surrounding areas. The sample group used in the research was 205 people with disabilities who received vocational rehabilitation in the Vocational Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Bangkok and surrounding areas. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. data analysis By finding the percentage, mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD) and testing in the case of 2 groups using a t test (t test). In the case of more than 2 groups, using one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA). The research results found that 1. Factors in vocational training for disabled people in vocational rehabilitation centers for the disabled Bangkok and surrounding areas at a high level 2. Results of comparing factors of vocational training for disabled people in vocational rehabilitation centers for the disabled. Bangkok and surrounding areas found that different genders had a statistically significant difference at the .05 level in terms of teachers and teaching and learning activities. And regarding the vocational courses that are trained, different ages have a statistical significant difference at the .05 level. and social work and different marital status There is a statistically significant difference at the .05 level in terms of teachers and teaching activities. Vocational courses that are trained Facilities and services 3. Additional comments and suggestions Concerning factors in vocational training for disabled people in vocational rehabilitation centers for disabled people in Bangkok and surrounding areas. Arranged from highest to lowest as follows: There should be agencies to provide financial assistance. The rules are too strict. And there should be news about people with disabilities and assistance.
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