The influence of Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Business Networks, and Entrepreneurial Competencies on the Social Entrepreneurship Orientation of Community Product Entrepreneurs in Northern Thailand

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Kajohnsak Wongwirachand
Atchara Meksuwan


This study aims to: (1) assess the perceived importance of entrepreneurial characteristics, business networks, entrepreneurial competencies, and social entrepreneurship orientation; and (2) examine the influence of entrepreneurial characteristics, business networks, and entrepreneurial competencies on the social entrepreneurship orientation of community product entrepreneurs in Upper Northern Thailand. A quantitative research design was employed, with a sample of 331 leaders of community enterprises in food processing from eight provinces: Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Lamphun, Lampang, Phrae, Mae Hong Son, and Nan. Data was collected over five months using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics using structural equation modeling (SEM) were applied. The findings indicate that respondents place high importance on entrepreneurial characteristics, business networks, entrepreneurial competencies, and social entrepreneurship orientation, with mean scores at the highest level. The SEM model demonstrated good fit indices (c2 = 15.727, p= 0.073, c2/df =1.747, GFI= 0.985, CFI = 0.997, NFI = 0.993, TLI = 0.990 ). Hypothesis testing revealed that entrepreneurial characteristics positively influence business networks, entrepreneurial competencies, and social entrepreneurship orientation. Business networks positively influence entrepreneurial competencies but negatively affect social entrepreneurship orientation. Finally, entrepreneurial competencies positively influence social entrepreneurship orientation.

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