Development of Instant Streamed Rice Dumpling Flour


  • วราภรณ์ วิทยาภรณ์
  • วีระพงศ์ วิรุฬห์ธนกฤษณ์


This research aims to develop an instant steamed rice dumpling flour product, increase the convenience, and reduce the steps to produce streamed rice dumplings for consumers. The test for consumers’ attitude and demand showed that the majority of consumers, 91%, belongs to the age range of 18-27 years; 84% have finished undergraduate level, 81% are undergraduate students, 78% have lower than 10,000 baht of monthly income, 34.7% consume steamed rice dumplings once per month. The main factor that affects the purchasing of steamed rice dumplings is taste (71%), and the issue in producing steamed rice dumplings is the complication in flour mixing for 36% of consumers. Moreover, 76% of consumers agreed on developing a steamed rice dumpling flour product that would reduce the complexity in the preparation process. The results from the selection of prototype steamed rice dumpling formula revealed that the second formula (Porndara Ketthongkam, 2010) had the highest overall liking score at like moderately (7.4±1.1), consisting of rice flour, tapioca flour, and arrowroot flour, at 18.8%, 4.8%, and 6.3%, respectively. After undergoing the development process into an instant steamed rice dumpling flour product with the ratio of rice flour : tapioca flour : arrowroot flour equal to 63:16:21 and the flour weight of 213 g, and testing with 9-point hedonic scale (1: dislike extremely; 9: like extremely), it is found that the liking score for the product's characteristics, in terms of appearance, texture, and overall likings is at moderately like level (7.0-7.2); the acceptability test showed that 98% of consumers accepted the instant steamed rice dumpling flour product, 82% of consumers would purchase the product sold at 49 baht per 213 g




How to Cite

วิทยาภรณ์ ว., & วิรุฬห์ธนกฤษณ์ ว. (2021). Development of Instant Streamed Rice Dumpling Flour. Journal of Thai Food Culture, 1(2), 8–27. Retrieved from



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