Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Journal of Thai food culture aims to publish research articles or creative works, including original article, review article, and book review. The following areas are covered in the Journal are home economics, culinary technology and services, food product development, food service business, gastronomy and related fields. The publisher is School of Culinary Arts, Suan Dusit University, THAILAND. Publication Ethics of the journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for 3 groups including editors, reviewers, and authors following


Duties of Editors

  • The editors have a responsibility to take submitted publications in the fields of the journal.
  • The editors must improve and develop the journal to follow standards regularly.
  • The editors consider and screen the quality of the article.
  • The editors need to use caution when manuscript involves plagiarism.
  • The editors must reject if there's a reason to assume that the manuscript has already been published anywhere else.
  • The editors must ensure that no writers or related organizations have a conflict of interest.
  • The editors must correct publication errors, clarification, removing and withdrawing articles.

Duties of reviewers

  • The reviewers are supposed to provide informative and professional opinions in their fields.
  • The reviewers mainly consider the quality of the article, articles under academic principles and reasons without bias or personal opinion.
  • The reviewers must no conflicts of interest resulting from other relationships with any of the authors.
  • The manuscript must be kept private by reviewers. Do not share information about the manuscript to anyone.


Duties of authors

  • The authors should focus their manuscripts on the areas of journal.
  • The manuscript must not have already been published elsewhere.
  • The manuscript must not plagiarism and use APA-style citations
  • The authors should follow by the journal's guidelines.


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