Develop an instant cocoa beverage fortified with grasshopper powder


  • Narathorn satsue phetchaburi rajabhat university
  • Nutthida Riangsanthia
  • Sukanya Pansiri
  • Phakphum Hongthong
  • Aschariyakul Puangphet
  • Jintana Sangsopa


grasshopper powder, cocoa, beverage


The purpose of this research was to develop an instant cocoa beverage fortified with grasshopper powder. Three basic formulas were studied. The most accepted formula was used to study the appropriate amount of grasshopper powder added to the instant cocoa beverage. Sensory evaluation was evaluated by using a 9-point hedonic scale and the nutritional value of the instant cocoa beverages fortified with grasshopper powder was studied. The results showed that the second basic formula had the highest overall liking score at 7.96. A study of the effect of drying temperature on grasshoppers found that the water activity (aw) of the dried grasshopper was 0.1776, with the drying temperature at 60oC for 12 h. Grasshopper powder fortification at different levels included 5%, 7% and 9% showed that the instant cocoa beverage fortified with 5% grasshoppers powder had the highest scores of appearance, color, flavor, taste, texture and overall liking with a score 8.00, 7.93, 7.73, 7.63, 7.76 and 7.93, respectively. The protein, carbohydrate and fat contents of the instant cocoa beverages fortified with grasshopper powder were 7.93%, 52.47% and 32.37%, respectively, and provided energy at 139.78 kcal per 28 g. Results indicated that grasshopper is a promising source of nutrients and can be used as a food ingredient with applications in functional.


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How to Cite

satsue, N., Riangsanthia, N., Pansiri, S., Hongthong, P., Puangphet, A., & Sangsopa, J. (2023). Develop an instant cocoa beverage fortified with grasshopper powder . Journal of Thai Food Culture, 5(1). Retrieved from



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