Rice in Thai Cuisine Culture


  • Kittisak Wasantiwong School of Culinary Arts Suan Dusit University
  • Jeerun Kingkaew Division of Food Technology, Mahidol University, Kanchanaburi Campus


rice, Thai food culture


    "Rice in Thai Cuisine Culture" is a social heritage that has changed with the times dynamically. Eating rice occurs previously the Ayutthaya era. According to the Thai history, Thais consume a long-grain glutinous rice, but switched to be a small and slender-grained glutinous rice, respectively. In addition, a white rice is an alternative consumption. In India, white rice is called “caval”. In the Ayutthaya period, the golden age of food culture development, passed from fish consumption dominantly to boil, curry and chili-paste. Furthermore, the foreign dishes are spread widely. In the Thonburi period, an Off-season farming is initiated. Snacks is developed in the early of Rattanakosin Period. From the reign of King Rama IV to nowadays, Thai cuisine is more complicated. However, the traditional Thai cuisines have altered original preparation methods or ingredients, not meticulously like the naive is complained. Rice also an important export product from Thailand. Fortunately, "Khao Khao Doeg Mali", the aromatic and unique characteristic rice was discovered and grown widespread in the Northeast and the North. A texture of the cooked rice is extremely soft and palatable, so the trade name of this specific rive is "Khao Hom Mali". The contemporary consumption of this rice is considered as a challenge in passing on the rice in Thai cuisine culture.



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How to Cite

Wasantiwong, K., & Kingkaew, J. (2024). Rice in Thai Cuisine Culture. Journal of Thai Food Culture, 6(1), 1–10. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jfood/article/view/266329



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