Local Ethnic Food Wisdom for Health


  • Sungwan Chompooja Suan Dusit University
  • Pattareeya Namlaithoong


    Local ethnic food is the food of a cultural group, tradition, language of the same family and descended from the same ancestors and it was prepared their own local identity. There are ingredients that are readily available local. It is a food that has been eaten for generations. It has been in the local area for a long time until there is a feeling of blood and cultural ties. It is the sense of belonging that makes these groups feel close to each other, be united. The ethnic groups in the upper Northern region have many ethnic and cultural diversity, and Including the knowledge of cooking has developed for a long time Invented, inherited, cooked and blended into local ethnic foods. In many ethnic groups, there is local wisdom that produces food that is famous in terms of taste, appetizing, nutritional value. and use seasonal local ingredients so to provide local ethnic food It is a local knowledge of healthy food. Therefore, there should be a study of eating a variety of foods naturally and according to the beliefs of each ethnic group, which food is suitable for the needs of the body make the body receive complete nutrients and it is regarded as a longevity cure. Therefore, it should be studied and preserved to achieve the inheritance of the valuable wisdom of the ancestors to persist and to spread the wisdom of eating healthy food widely, and to guide the health care of ethnic groups to provide good health, and can last a long time, another way to reduce the cost of health care for the family and the public sector.


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How to Cite

Chompooja, S., & Namlaithoong, P. (2024). Local Ethnic Food Wisdom for Health. Journal of Thai Food Culture, 5(2). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jfood/article/view/269855



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