Vegetable and Fruit Carving: Carving for Edible Purposes


  • sakarin hongrattanavorakit Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn


Vegetable and Fruit Carving, Carving for Edible Purposes, Food Carving


Vegetable and fruit carving, particularly in the Thai tradition, serves as a reflection of Thai identity, showcasing the commitment to enhancing culinary experiences by creating visually appealing and value-added food. This study focused on the analysis of carving techniques specifically for edible purposes. It highlights the role of skilled carving technicians involved in the entire process, including preparation, carving, and storage, emphasizing the importance of maintaining cleanliness and safety standards throughout. Careful selection of fresh, clean, and safe vegetables and fruits is crucial for successful carving. Additionally, proper storage techniques and temperature control are essential for preserving quality. The carving equipment must be clean and made from safe materials, while the carving area should be maintained in a hygienic condition. Lastly, when carving for eating, simple patterns and efficient techniques are employed to ensure the preservation of the vegetable and fruit carving's quality.

Author Biography

sakarin hongrattanavorakit, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn



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How to Cite

hongrattanavorakit, sakarin. (2024). Vegetable and Fruit Carving: Carving for Edible Purposes. Journal of Thai Food Culture, 6(1), 70–84. Retrieved from



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