Sequential Exploratory Design of Factors affecting FMVAs Viewers’ Response


  • Puripat Trichob


Viewer’s Response, Facebook, Advertisements, Thailand



The research aims to examine the effect between the suspect variables which are Facebook Mid-roll Video Advertisements (FMVAs) Value, Perceived Intrusiveness, FMVAs Attitude, Word-of-Mouth (WOM) Intention, and FMVAs Viewers’ Response. The researchers developed questionnaire survey via Google Form (100% online survey) to collect 200 respondents in Bangkok, Thailand. Moreover, the researcher utilized SAS Enterprise license 12400609 to implement and analyze the data. The research methodology is Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to analyze the data and test hypotheses.  The result indicated the strongest relationship is WOM Intention and FMVAs Viewers’ Response. Thus, this research recommended focusing on WOM Intention by improving FMVAs Value and Attitude in order to create positive WOM which lead to positive response.  Finally, limitations are period, budget, target respondents, and location.  As a result, outputs might not generate data to represent the whole population of Facebook, different periods of time, and different locations. However, this research will focus more on nationwide respondents and variables to explore further results in the future. 


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How to Cite

Trichob, P. (2018). Sequential Exploratory Design of Factors affecting FMVAs Viewers’ Response. KASEM BUNDIT JOURNAL, 19(June), 244–260. retrieved from



Research articles