Strategies for Education Quality Development on Pali Education of Religious Center, Sangha Region 4
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This article aimed to develop a strategy for the quality development management of Pali Scripture Education at the Bureau of Religious Studies in Sangha Government Area 4. The research and development model uses management concepts as a research framework. The research area was the administrative region of Sangha Region 4. There were 123 monks from the Bureau of Religious Studies, randomly selected by stratification. There were 4 types of research tools: 1) questionnaires; 2) workshops; 3) expert-based seminars; and 4) evaluation of data analysis strategies by using percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In the case of quantitative research, qualitative research was used to analyze the content and write a descriptive narrative. The results showed that 1) conditions and problems in the study management of Pali scriptures were found and that the condition of school management, including people, money, materials, equipment, and management, is still unfavorable and not systematic. 2) Conditions, problems, and factors related to the quality development of Pali Scripture education management were still unclear, requiring continuous quality improvement. 3) strategies developed4 consisted of a vision, a mission, objectives, strategic issues, strategies, indicators, and 10 measures. 4) assessment of strategies for improving the quality of education management in the Pali section of the Bureau of Religious Studies in Sangha Administrative Region 4, it was found that the strategies were consistent, appropriate, feasible. and useful at the highest level.
The knowledge gained from this research, SP-EM-SD, can be applied to the development of a model for the development of Pali canonical education, which should give importance to the School of Religious Studies in the clergy.
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