Development of Media for Secondary City Tourism Public Relations in Banrai, Uthaithani.

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Rawiphon Charunphankasem


This article aimed to: 1) study and synthesize the contents of media for secondary city tourism; 2) develop media for secondary city tourism; and 3) find quality media for secondary city tourism in Banrai District, Uthaithani Province, by deep interviewing 10 experts about tourist attractions in Banrai District, and 3 experts about determining the quality of media that guide and manage tourism in Banrai District or use data to manage policy appropriately and efficiently.

The result was the development of media for secondary city tourism. After the pandemic of COVID-19, the requirement to develop a video brochure and e-book for public relations was due to the terrain of Banrai District, where there was sometimes no internet. So appropriate media, that is, images, motion pictures, and sound, can be divided into online and offline in case there is no internet. The conclusion on the quality of media for secondary city tourism video brochures and e-books from experts was at the highest level. Knowledge of the research found the factor of success in sustainable tourism development was the cooperation network for promoting tourism activities from local stakeholders. While continuous management of activities or media development was necessary for a sustainable cooperation network.

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How to Cite
Charunphankasem, R. (2023). Development of Media for Secondary City Tourism Public Relations in Banrai, Uthaithani. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2522–2535. Retrieved from
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