Doing Good According to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy

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Wiset Sangkanjanavanich


The objective of this research article was threefold: 1) to study the doing good according to the philosophies of utilitarianism and deontological ethics; 2) to study the doing good according to the sufficiency economy philosophy; and 3) to analyze the doing good according to the sufficiency economy philosophy. The research was qualitative, involving content analysis and narrative description. The research findings were summarized as follows: 1) The study of doing good according to the philosophies of utilitarianism and deontological ethics reveals different perspectives. According to Jeremy Bentham's utilitarianism, doing good involves achieving positive outcomes that result in personal well-being. Bentham's philosophy suggests that individuals who benefit themselves fully will eventually contribute to the well-being of others, leading to overall positive consequences. On the other hand, John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism emphasizes similar positive outcomes, but with a focus on greater collective well-being. Mill suggests that societal well-being is pivotal and that individual well-being should be considered equally. In the context of adhering to deontological ethics, doing good involves performing actions that stem from having good intentions and fulfilling one's ethical responsibilities. The motivation behind carrying out these duties is guided by practical reasoning. 2) The study of doing good according to the Sufficiency Economy philosophy revolves around achieving goodness through balance and moderation. Economic sufficiency advocates for actions that avoid excessive self-indulgence and harm to others. This philosophy promotes doing good based on wisdom and mindfulness; 3) The analysis of Doing Good According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy demonstrates that it involves both intent and consequences. This approach promotes ethical actions that are creative, considerate of oneself and others, and rooted in wisdom, moderation, and mindfulness. In conclusion, the core virtues identified from the research were: (1) truthfulness and sincerity; (2) diligence with wisdom; (3) patience; and (4) generosity and sharing. The insights from this research offer a mechanism to apply the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy as a foundation for ethical behavior. This application has the potential to contribute to the overall enhancement of quality of life, promoting equilibrium, stability, and sustainable well-being.

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How to Cite
Sangkanjanavanich, W. (2023). Doing Good According to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 2965–2978. Retrieved from
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