Model of the Implementation According to the National Standards of Early Childhood Development Center

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Rungchatchadaporn Vehachart
Phatsarabet Wetwiriyasakun


This article aimed to 1) draw lessons learned from implementing the National Standard for Early Childhood Development (NSECD) and passing the standard criteria. 2) develop the NSECD implementing model, and 3) suggest early childhood development (ECD). Using qualitative research with teachers and administrators of nine ECD centers, passing criteria covered six working units. They were selected by a specific method. The instruments for collecting data were of four types: 1) document analysis form; 2) group discussion form 3) Interview form; 4) School observation form. Analysis of data by content analysis.

The research results were found as follows: 1) ECD centers administered the NSECD with six components of ECD. 2) The NSECD implementing model consists of principles, purposes, components, implementation, and successful conditions of the NSECD implementation. 3) Suggestions for the development of early childhood development institutions included the authoritative working unit level, the policy director level, the policy supporter level, and the practice level.

Findings from this research will be beneficial to early childhood development institutions. To have operations meet the standards of the National Early Childhood Development Center. which contains six components of early childhood development center development. which is a best practice for the operation of an early childhood development center that aims for the success of early childhood development.


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How to Cite
Vehachart, R., & Wetwiriyasakun, P. (2023). Model of the Implementation According to the National Standards of Early Childhood Development Center. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3136–3155. Retrieved from
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