Factors Affecting Violent Behaviors of Secondary School Students in Matthayomsiriwanwari 3 Chachoengsao School

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สุปรีชา ชำนาญพุฒิพร
เพ็ญประภา นาเคน
อัญชลิกา เฟื่องฟุ้ง
ภัทราวดี มากมี


The research purposes were (1) to study a multiple relationship between violent behaviors of students in junior high school Matthayomsiriwanwari 3 Chachoengsao School, emotional bounds within a family, violent media exposures, and experiences of being witnessed to the violence in a community, and (2) to find out variables used to predicate the violent behaviors of students in junior high school Matthayomsiriwanwari 3 Chachoengsao School. The sample was 210 students studying in the lower secondary school in 2nd semester of 2015 academic year. The research tool used in collecting data was a questionnaire inquiring about factors affecting violent behaviors of junior high school students. Statistics used in analyzing data were mean, standard deviation, distribution coefficient, skewness and kurtosis, and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that variables related to experiences of being witnessed to the violence in a community and violent media exposures (MED) had a multiple relationship with violent behaviors at .87 with significantly statistical difference at .01 level. The variables of social observation in community (SOC) and violent media exposure could predicate the degree of violent behaviors in the community (VIO) for 76 percent and can predicate the behaviors of violence (VIO) for 87 percent.

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How to Cite
ชำนาญพุฒิพร ส., นาเคน เ., เฟื่องฟุ้ง อ., & มากมี ภ. (2017). Factors Affecting Violent Behaviors of Secondary School Students in Matthayomsiriwanwari 3 Chachoengsao School. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 10(2), 27–35. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_sct/article/view/104620
Research Manuscript