Design of Learning Styles Using Internet of Thing (IoT) and Cloud Computing to Support Meaningful Learning for Higher Education Students
Main Article Content
The purposes of this research were to 1) develop learning model using the Internet of Thing (IoT) and Cloud Com-putting to support meaningful learning and 2) evaluate the learning model using the Internet of Thing and Cloud Computing to support meaningful learning of higher education students. The evaluation of the newly developed learning model was conducted by 7 experts in the field of Education and the field of Information Communication Technology in Education. Research instrument was an evaluation form of the newly designed learning model. Data were analyzed using content analysis, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the newly developed learning model was highly appropriate. The learning model comprised 3 parts. Part 1 Smart Teaching includes 7 steps of teaching for meaningful learning: 1) Recommend, 2) Survey, 3) Present, 4) Separate, 5) Connecting Teaching, 6) Advance Organizer and 7) Compose. Part 2 Smart Classroom concerns the application of IoT to build a smart classroom with 3 facility systems: IoT Smart Check in, IoT Smart Cam and IoT Smart Office. Part 3 Smart Learning is the use of personal devices e.g. smart phone, tablet, laptop and other smart mobile devices to connect with Cloud Computing learning.
The results reveal that the appropriateness of the newly developed model was at the highest level ( = 4.57, S.D.=0.55). When examining each individual aspect it was found that 1) Smart Teaching was rated at the highest level (
= 4.52, S.D.=0.52), 2) Smart Classroom was rated at the highest level (
= 4.61, S.D.= 0.62) and 3) Smart Learning was rated at the highest level (
= 4.67, S.D.= 0.52). Based on the results, it can be concluded that the developed model can be applied with significant components: Part 1) Smart Teaching should be taught thoroughly and in part 2) Smart Classroom and 3) Smart Learning can be adjusted to increase flexibility based on relevant factors, such as budget, equipment or technology, and the context of the learners.
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