A Computer Program for Developing Multiple Choice Test Items Using Automatic Item Generation Method

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ปิยะทิพย์ ประดุจพรม
กนก พานทอง


            This research aimed to analyze and synthesize multiple-choice test items on mathematical subject,
to develop a computer program for constructing the multiple-choice test items on mathematical subject
by using automatic item generation methodology, and to evaluate the efficacy of the developed program
for grade 12 on mathematical subject. The research methodology comprised four phases, including 1) the
analysis and synthesis of the multiple-choice test items of grade 12, 2) the determination of the modelled
items and the model of the multiple-choice test items on mathematical subject, 3) the development of
program for constructing the multiple-choice test items on mathematical using automatic item generation
methodology, and 4) the efficiency of the developed program for grade 12 on mathematical subject using
automatic item generation methodology. The 30-secondary school teachers who had been teaching on
mathematical subject were taken part in this study. The findings were demonstrated as follows: 1) The
mathematical test items for grade 12 had the item difficulty (b) from rather difficult to difficult levels. 2)
Twenty-two modelled items and the model of the multiple-choice test items passed the criteria of test
item quality based on three-parameter IRT model. 3) The computer program was developed for the web
application platform, which could be accessed via https://www.aigg-test.com, that was rated in terms of
appropriateness as excellent and was also approved by the experts. And 4) the efficiency assessment of
the developed program indicated at a good level and was satisfied.

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How to Cite
ประดุจพรม ป., & พานทอง ก. (2019). A Computer Program for Developing Multiple Choice Test Items Using Automatic Item Generation Method. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 12(2), 74–87. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal_sct/article/view/131484
Research Manuscript


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