The Implementation on Policy and Investment Measures in Chiang Rai Special Economic Zone

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Rakkiat Intabtan
Krisda Nantapetch
Chittapol Chaimadan


        Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have emerged both abroad and in Thailand. Thus, implementation policy and investment support measures becomes the major focus to set objectives of this to study namely to examine (1) lessons learned from foreign SEZs and SEZ policy development in Thailand, (2) the policy and investment promotion measures, (3) problems and obstacles of its implementation, and (4) provide suggestions for Chiang Rai SEZ. Data were collected through documents and interviews with thirteen key informants who are the high-ranked officers working in Chiang Rai Provincial Government Offices and Chiang Rai SEZ stakeholders. The data were then analyzed for content analysis and verified using triangulation technique. Findings revealed that the development of the policy on Thailand’s SEZ had been categorized into three periods: a period prior to the SEZ had been established (1982-1997), a period the specific economic zone was established (1997-2013), and a period in which the special economic zone was formally established (2014 - present). The political disturbance had caused Thailand to delay the establishment of special economic zone for twelve years. It was found that the policy implementation remains steady or slowly developed due to having more important and newly introduced policies by the government needed to be executed. Unstable law and problems related to resource (land) have caused failures in the policy implementation. Results also showed that Thailand’s investment promotion measure was not different from other countries in the region. In terms of administration, it was suggested that more emphasis should be on working for short-term policies. This can be done through changing roles of the committee according to new missions at a national level. Concerning a long-term administration, the management committee for the SEZ should be established. There should be “a governor” as the chief executive officer.

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How to Cite
Intabtan , R. ., Nantapetch, K. ., & Chaimadan, C. . (2021). The Implementation on Policy and Investment Measures in Chiang Rai Special Economic Zone. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 14(1), 75–85. retrieved from
Research Manuscript


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