The Development of Adaptability Competence of Thai Tour Business to Respond Tourism Demand in Digital Age

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Thanaporn Trachoo
Chalongsri Pimonsompong


       According to technology disruption, of which effects to tourist consumption behavior and practices, allowing tourists to travel on their own rather than with tour companies like in the past. Hence tour companies need to adapt themselves. The main objectives of this research are to 1) study the Thai tour business’s adaptive cycle between 1987-2017 2) examine the tour business adaptabilities in digital age and 3) propose guideline developing of adaptability competence of Thai Tour Business to respond tourism demand in digital age. The study employed mixed methods design. The data were collected by in-depth interview, focus group with Thai tour companies and tourism experts for qualitative method and by the questionnaire from Thai tour companies and tourists for quantitative method. The total sampling of 460 data sources were gathered. The research results four stages of Thai tour business’s adaptive cycle 1) Seeking and Searching Stage is by being more selective in products and services including seeking for cooperation from key stakeholders both in and outside Thailand 2) Selecting and Satisfying Stage is to adjust their public relations by setting target customers and upgrading human resources 3) Shaking and Solving Stage is by facing with vulnerability issues and focusing on technology and social media 4) Solution and Sustainable Stage is rebound stage to build sustainable strategies and disruptive adaptation. And found that Thai tour business has the adaptabilities in “4C” dimensions in high level 1) Creation of new products and services (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.76) 2) Creation of new energetic staff and business concept (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.76) 3) Creation of new distribution channel on platform system (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.82) and 4) Creation of new customers (gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.83). The last, it found Resilience Model for Thai Tour Business called “I-PEUX” combined I–Innovative the necessarily to seek opportunities for innovation to explore difference products and services. P- Personalized Products & Services is to leverage products and services development to response the customer personal needs. E-Exuberant Team & Organization is to develop an organization and staff to always be at the cutting edge. U- Ultimate Connectivity is connecting all supply chain with the disrupted technology ecosystem. X- Xocial (Social) Engagement is to create social relationship leveraging travelling experiences for tourists. Public and private sectors can utilize “I-PEUX” as the direction to remain the sustainable role of Thai tour business in tourism industry.

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How to Cite
Trachoo, T. ., & Pimonsompong, C. . (2021). The Development of Adaptability Competence of Thai Tour Business to Respond Tourism Demand in Digital Age. JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN TECHNOLOGY, 14(1), 14–23. retrieved from
Research Manuscript


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