Multi-sited Ethnography in the Study of Agrarian Transformation in Northeastern Thai-Lao Borderlands


  • สร้อยมาศ รุ่งมณี Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Multi-sited ethnography, Transborder Lao peasant-workers


This paper illustrates the methodological and theoretical challenges I encountered in my research on agrarian transformation in Northeast Thailand and Lao borderlands. It problematizes the methodologies in agrarian studies that in some the borderland context, ethnography or an in-depth study in one particular place is not enough to understand the nature of transnationalisation and diffusion of the borderlands. Looking at borderlands as the relational spaces, the author applies multi-sited ethnography and followed people from the border to their home villages and Bangkok. This paper reveals challenges and new perspectives the author has learned from multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork.


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How to Cite

รุ่งมณี สร้อยมาศ. 2019. “Multi-Sited Ethnography in the Study of Agrarian Transformation in Northeastern Thai-Lao Borderlands”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 25 (1):199-232.