Guideline for Developing Foreign Tourist’s Safety Measure in Chiang Mai Province


  • พัชรพงษ์ อัครเมธากุล Chiang Mai Traffic Police


Guideline for Developing Safety Measure, Foreign Tourists, Chiang Mai Province


This research aims to study the level of factors affecting for developing of safety measures, the efficiency of Thai security section for the foreign tourists and to propose guidelines for developing of safety measures for foreign tourists traveling in Thailand. The research results were found that the factors affecting for developing of safety measures for foreign tourists in an aspect of tourist places were at the highest level followed by an aspect of security and personnel. As regards the efficiency of Thai security section for the foreign tourists found that an aspect of the efficiency effecting for developing of safety measures was at a high level concerning to increase the efficiency of services followed by the evidence gathering and the investigation to facilitate of justice for the tourists. In addition, the efficiency effecting for developing of safety measures of the criminal prevention that happened to the tourists was at a moderate level. As regards guidelines for developing of safety measures for foreign tourists should focus on building the awareness of the importance of carefulness for the tourists, the readiness of tourist places for the services, the cooperation with the relevant divisions and the local people to cooperate in the development of security to the tourists. Moreover, it is important for bringing technology applying in the process of development in security measures.


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How to Cite

อัครเมธากุล พัชรพงษ์. 2019. “Guideline for Developing Foreign Tourist’s Safety Measure in Chiang Mai Province”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 27 (2):157-72.