Dynamics of Land-Cover/Land-Use in the Chiang Mai Area and Prediction of Urbanization Using the SLEUTH Model


  • สมพร สง่าวงศ์ Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University


Calibration, Land-Use/Land-Cover, LANDSAT, Remote Sensing, SLEUTH, Urbanization


Rapid urbanization of Chiang Mai City is a major cause of land -use/land- cover change (LULC). The rapid economic growth, development of transportation networks, and population growth are the accelerating factors for land conversions that have led to negative impacts on the environment, economy and society. Remotely sensed data were employed for this study, because of their capabilities for rapid monitoring/mapping LULC over large areas on a regular basis. Two generations of LANDSAT data were used to extract land-use/land-cover types, including TM 1989,2006 and 2009 and ETM+2000, respectively. All images were preprocessed by radiometric and geometric corrections with acceptable accuracy. They were classified into 5 major land-use/ land-cover types: agriculture, forest, miscellaneous, urban/built up and water bodies. Change detection analysis was performed within the comprehensive plan area by a post classification comparison, showing a significant increase in the urban areas from 13 square kilometers in 1952 to 137 square kilometers in 2009. The prediction result from SLEUTH model was evaluated with landscape metrics: path density index (PD), shape index (SI) and Euclidean nearest neighbor index (ENN) showing that the simulation captures urban growth in Chiang Mai well. It is concluded that the expansion of Chiang Mai City was characterized by the breed growth and road influence growth. Results can be applied for future studying on urban land-use patterns and land-use/land cover change in other cities/regions.


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How to Cite

สง่าวงศ์ สมพร. 2019. “Dynamics of Land-Cover/Land-Use in the Chiang Mai Area and Prediction of Urbanization Using the SLEUTH Model”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 21 (1):119-69. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/173344.