Ritual and Belief Systems: Anan Ganjanapan’s Anthropological Political Economy


  • SHIGEHARU TANABE Faculty of humanities, Chiang Mai University


Anan Ganjanapan, anthropological political economy, rituals, northern peasant societies


As is widely recognized, Anan Ganjanapan’s contribution to the development of Thai anthropology is extremely wide, ranging from agrarian development, differentiation of the peasantry, labour control, land ownership, community forestry, to the topics of belief systems, ritual practices, morality, gender, and witchcraft. No Thai anthropologist so far has attained such wide coverage of anthropological issues. In most of his works, the wide range of social and cultural phenomena is put together in a holistic perspective that is placed in complicated and dynamic relationships in the political economy of the peasant society. This chapter is an attempt to reveal this particular brand of ‘anthropological political economy’, focusing on his analyses of rituals and belief systems in Northern Thailand.


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How to Cite

TANABE, SHIGEHARU. 2019. “Ritual and Belief Systems: Anan Ganjanapan’s Anthropological Political Economy”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 20 (2):95-114. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jss/article/view/173577.