Livelihood of Tai Cross-border migrants: construction of identities and citizenship in cultural space


  • อานันท์ กาญจนพันธุ์ Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University
  • ชัยพงษ์ สำเนียง Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University


Migrant Workers, Low-wage Labour, Invisible People, Citizen, Cultural space


Tai migrant workers are likely to be under a precarious living condition wherein they are deemed invisible people and bare life. Likewise, being low-wage labour coupling with their status as the stateless, have exacerbated their working condition wherein they are exposed to various risks. Moreover, they cannot express their existence in a society because they are only considered as economic resource.

The objectives of participating in cultural space of migrant workers is to change their identity through reconstructing their new identity, especially via resistance against a single rigid definition of citizenship by contesting meaning. By doing so, rather than being confined to only economic space, those migrants can adjust and construct their new identity which enable them to negotiate with the existing definition of citizenship and substitute with a new definition which is more complex and flexible.




How to Cite

กาญจนพันธุ์ อานันท์, and สำเนียง ชัยพงษ์. 2019. “Livelihood of Tai Cross-Border Migrants: Construction of Identities and Citizenship in Cultural Space”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 28 (1):111-53.