The Development of Self-Control and Aggressive Behaviour in Siam


  • Charn Panarut Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Chiang Mai University


Civilization, Self-Control, Process Sociology, Violent Behaviour in Siam, Sports in Siam


This article questions whether an increase in interdependencies between the Siamese and Westerners during the colonial era generated a change in Siamese "civilized" identities. By applying process sociology, I study the "civilized" identities in terms of self-control, which gradually develop alongside a lengthened chain of interdependencies. Self-control of the Siamese developed under their intense relationship with the Westerners during the colonial era. From the 1820s onwards, the Westerners put pressure on the Siamese to accept the extraterritoriality and the principle of non-intervention. The Siamese curbed their aggressive behaviour when interacting with the British and French subjects in colonized countries and Siam. Moreover, under the "free trade" agreements, the unprecedented expansion of economic interdependencies between the Siamese elite and commoners allowed the former to collect the poll tax and construct the nation-state. Although the elite promoted education and sports to civilize the male citizens’ violent behaviour, the latter widely behaved aggressively.


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How to Cite

Panarut, Charn. 2019. “The Development of Self-Control and Aggressive Behaviour in Siam”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 31 (1):80-109.