Social Risk Management 2.0: Strengthening Social Protection for Platform Workers in the Ride-Hailing Services via Application


  • Kritsada Theerakosonphong Independence


Social risk management, Social protection, Social policy, Platform worker, Gig economy, Ride-hailing services


Social risk management (SRM) is part of social protection in the form of social policy. This paper applies the approach for analysis of platform workers in ride-hailing applications. The presentation of the paper has three issues as follows: (1) the concept of social protection and initiated by international organizations in the United Nations; (2) the mechanism of SRM offers technological disruption in the future of work, and it leads to developing the conceptual analysis of SRM 2.0; (3) risk analysis of labour platforms in the design of social protection systems to reduce the structural vulnerability among actors at local and global levels. Suggestions for the paper are social governance design for the formulation of the national social protection strategy and understanding the process of informalization for reducing the impact of subcontracting in the new form of gig work.


กระทรวงแรงงาน. 2559. กรอบยุทธศาสตร์การพัฒนาทรัพยากรมนุษย์ของประเทศ ระยะ 20 ปี (พ.ศ. 2560-2579). สืบค้นที่ (สืบค้นเมื่อวันที่ 20 ธันวาคม 2562)
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How to Cite

Theerakosonphong, Kritsada. 2020. “Social Risk Management 2.0: Strengthening Social Protection for Platform Workers in the Ride-Hailing Services via Application”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 32 (1):42-87.