The Era of COVID-19: Crises and Opportunities in Life of People Living with Depression


  • Poramin Tangopasvilaisakul Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University


Depression, COVID-19, Agency


This article attempts to explore the life experiences of patients living with depression by using the COVID-19 epidemic phenomenon as a field to reveal “the ontological pluralities of depressive disorder(s)” in which the patients define and interpret the world of depression in complex and different ways.  For some patients, COVID-19 has transformed their social-life rhythm into suffering conditions; some on the other hand, think that COVID-19 creates an opportunitiy for them to re-evaluate the life value and meaning of life as well as creating conditions for them to showcase their agency, to take action, and to rekindle the relationships that were distanced from the changes in social structures.  The narratives of depressed patients amidst the pandemic help unfold the fact that  ‘depression’ is too intricate to be reduced to a constructed bio-psychological entity as perceived under the mainstream psychiatric discourse which derectly defines depression as ‘a pathology inside the individual’. On the contrary, the disorder itself also contains the dimension of socio-cultural construct as a product that creates a dynamic interaction between the structure and the agency which makes us give an emphasis on the subjective lifeworld and local meaning of people living with depression.


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How to Cite

Tangopasvilaisakul, Poramin. 2021. “The Era of COVID-19: Crises and Opportunities in Life of People Living With Depression”. Social Sciences Academic Journal, Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 33 (1):70-123.