The Study of Efficiency of Bioethanol Production from Sugarcane Bagasse by Cellulosic Ethanol Process

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Artit Hutem
Tanawan Sukkasem
Karn Yampong
Sompian Fagtong
Sangjan Sonsawang


The production of bioethanol from bagasse is one of agricultural residues which are as lignocellulose material, it can be converted from reducing sugar to bioethanol feedstock. The purpose of this research was to study methods of pre-treatment sugarcane bagasse for fermentation of bioethanol production. The condition of fermentation bioethanol from sugarcane bagasse by static that incubated at room temperature and the fermentation time 18 days. The results showed that the pre-treatment sugarcane bagasse with HCl 1% could hydrolysis cellulose of sugarcane bagasse, which gave the highest glucose and xylose yield of 789.6 mg/L and 3,779 mg/L, respectively. Therefore, ethanol fermentation by Kluyveromyces marxianus TISTR5177 and initial pH of 5.0 gave maximum alcohol content 28 g/L that have the best efficiency of fermentation 21.39 % by g dried raw material. In addition, sugarcane bagasse was the optimum to use as raw material for produce bioethanol by cellulosic ethanol product because its abundance of agriculture residues from processing industry and high reducing sugar. Sugarcane bagasse residue is a suitable feedstock for bioethanol production.

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