The Internet of Things to Control Nursery System Automatic

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This paper presents technology the Internet of Things to control nursery system automatic for displaying environment details, managing nursery systems, and increasing seeds germination in an automatic nursery. The automatic nursery system depends on environment details from the temperature and humidity module together with the light intensity module. Which sends the details to Microcontroller to control how the automatic nursery works. Relative humidity will be set between 50% – 70%. And replacement light system will be on 6.00 AM – 6.00 PM when natural light is lower than 1000 Lux. The automatic watering is set at 7.00 AM and 5.00 PM. All information and control systems will be displayed on application Blynk on the smartphone. The application sends environment details and current operating status using application Line.The experiment on bird pepper seeds indicates that the germination rate of the seeds in the nursery is more than the bird pepper planted outdoors. The result was gathered from the number of the germinated chili in ten days. The germinated bird pepper planted in the nursery are considered as 94% while the ones planted outside are considered as 77%. It can be concluded that the automatic control in the nursery can work correctly. And reporting functionality of the device and the environment within the plant nursery was correct. It is effective and suitable for planting seeds.

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Research articles


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