Determination of macronutrients (N, P and K) from Liquid biofertilizers Photosynthesis Bacteria

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Ratri Bumee
Patompong Thiangphet
Thawanrat seesuksankeeree


Determination of macronutrients for plant growth from Liquid biofertilizers Photosynthesis Bacteria in photosynthetic microorganism fermentation with objectives 1. To check nutrients and find the appropriate ratio in photosynthetic microorganism ferment, it was found that marinade 2,formula 7-10 is a formula that takes time to ferment within the specified period and reddening, then only 4 samples were tested for the initial properties, namely pH analysis, decomposition of organic  materials and conductivity analysis of all 4 samples was in accordance with the B.E. 2005 of the Department of Agriculture and the analysis of macronutrient N, P, K by Test Kit for Soil showed that nitrogen content of formula 7 was the highest value, while phosphorus and potassium content of formula 10 was the highest. 2. The study of macronutrient quantification in photosynthetic microorganism fermentation showed that formula 7 with the highest nitrogen content of 0.13% and formula 10 the amount of phosphorus and the highest potassium content were 1.36% and 0.93%. The physical characteristics of the fermented water were reddish-brown and turbidity.

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