The Needs for Further Study in Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics and the Desirable Characteristics of the Graduates from Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics

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Yadpirun Suparakornsakul
Nittaya Phuwong
Piyada Suebsue
Sudaporn Habut


The objectives of this research were to study the needs for further study in Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics and to study the desirable characteristics of the graduates from Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics including the study needs of the students in Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. The total samples were 253 including Mathayom 5 students, Mathayom 6 students, and parents in Phetchabun province and Pichit province by using simple random sampling method. Questionnaires that were checked for content validity and validity with an alpha coefficient of 0.970 were used for data collection. The results from the research showed that respondents who wished to continue their education and would like their children to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and Statistics were 21.7%. The results of the evaluation of the desirable characteristics of the graduates from Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics, most of the respondents had a highest level of satisfaction ( 4.49). The moral and ethical factors were at the highest level. And knowledge factor, interpersonal skills and responsibilities, having intellectual skills, and numerical analysis, communication and use of information technology had a high level. From the analysis of the relationship between status and needs for further study in Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, it found that there was a relationship between status and needs for further study in Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. And from the comparative analysis of status and desirable characteristics of the graduates from Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics with the analysis of mean test of two independent population groups, it found that there was not different of means in status with morality, ethics, knowledge, intellectual skills, interpersonal skills and responsibilities. And there was different in status with numerical analysis, communication and information technology use at a significance level of 0.05.

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Research articles


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